Strong and Reinforced Construction
Structural engineering
- according to the ISO 12215-5:2019 standard,
- using the HullScant software developed by the University of Southampton’s Wolfson Unit
- local strength – governed by local loads on hull, deck, superstructures and bulkheads
- global strength – longitudinal bending (usually complies once local strength is satisfied)
- strength of details, such as: mast, bulkhead, chainplates, frames with welded chainplates.
Ice reinforcements were added as
- an ice girder
- half frames from the beam to the stern
- extra high half frames from bow to beam (“what about hitting a tree trunk when heeled?”)
- an ice belt for the bottom/side plates, with an increment for abrasion and corrosion of 2 mm added according to DNV GL Ice Class ICE (E).

Hundreds of parts calculated, hundreds of detail drawings, e.g.,